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Environmental Cleaning & Conservation Technologies

InvisiBubble – The bubble curtain

Unleashing the Power of Invisible Protection!

Introducing InvisiBubble, the cutting-edge bubble curtain technology that is revolutionizing waterway protection and environmental conservation. With its unique ability to create an invisible barrier, InvisiBubble is dedicated to safeguarding marine ecosystems, preventing pollution, and promoting sustainability. Join us in embracing this breakthrough solution that ensures the harmony between human activities and the natural world. Experience the power of invisibility with InvisiBubble!


Stop Wondering, Start Cleaning

InvisiBubble - The bubble curtain

InvisiBubble is a cutting-edge technology that offers a wide range of benefits to preserve the quality of aquatic ecosystems. Its bubble curtain efficiently purifies water, redirects debris and sediment, and contains the spread of hydrocarbons, while providing important protection to wildlife. By combatting eutrophication through aeration, the bubbles promote the growth of aerobic bacteria in the sediment, ultimately improving oxygen levels, limiting excessive nutrient loads, reducing sedimentation and water turbidity, and minimizing odors and stagnant water. Additionally, InvisiBubble effectively traps floating and submerged waste, both organic and synthetic, measuring just 2 mm. This waste is either diverted or rerouted to a collection point or contained within a specific area, further enhancing its environmentally-friendly features. Thanks to these innovative capabilities, InvisiBubble represents a smart investment in the preservation of water bodies, particularly in sensitive or critical areas.

InvisiBubble Datasheet

The Specco2 Series

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