Can dry ice be used to clean electrical components

The dry ice blasting machine is used to clean the surface of many production equipment, especially the stains on the surface of the injection mold in the manufacturing industries. In addition, the dry ice machine is also used for maintenance and general cleaning of factories and workshops. With such a powerful cleaning ability, can the […]
How to safely clean delicate electronics with dry ice?

As mentioned before, besides being used to clean molds in industries, dry ice machines are also used to clean and sanitize electronic devices such as electronic boards, In this article, Specco2 will guide you to clean electronic equipment safely with a dry ice blasting machine When will you need to clean electric equipment After a […]
Soda blasting vs Dry ice blasting

When it comes to surface cleaning or surface preparation, there are many methods available. Dry ice blasting and soda cleaning are two of the most popular methods chosen by many businesses. However, choosing the most optimal method is not easy. In this article, Specco2 will introduce you to the comparison between the dry ice machine […]
Dustless Blasting vs Dry ice blasting

In the surface preparation service industry, commonly used machines on the market include dry ice blasters, sandblasters, and laser blasters. However, there is a device that has just been released that is a dust-free toilet. Let’s find out with Specco2 about this dust-free pressure cleaning device and the dry ice machine to know how different […]
How to operate dry ice blasting safely

Dry ice blasting is an environmentally friendly and superior method of cleaning, often used for industrial plants, manufacturing, and even historical restoration. The setup is very simple and the machine itself is also very easy to use with only one or two operators needed. However, there are also a few safety requirements to keep in […]
Small dry ice blaster for your business

When choosing a dry ice blasting machine to clean mold, parts, or equipment. You might want to look for a small dry ice blaster, not too heavy like conventional dry ice blasting machines. So how different are the small dry ice blasting machines compared to the heavy ones? Besides, is it difficult to find a […]
How to make dry ice last longer

To preserve dry ice and keep dry ice longer, there will be many ways applied by businesses. Ways to keep dry ice for longer include: using a suitable insulated container, producing more dry ice than you actually need , cover the dry ice with newspaper, and limit the time it takes to transport dry ice. […]
Dry ice blasting leaves no secondary waste

Dry ice cleaning machine is chosen in the cleaning of industrial equipment, especially in the field of manufacturing plastic equipment and composite materials because of its outstanding advantages. One of the most obvious advantages of the dry ice blasting machine is that this device does not leave any secondary waste, which leads to ensuring the […]
Dry Ice Cleaning is Non-abrasive; no damage to product or equipment

Dry ice blasting machine is an optimal industrial cleaning equipment, often used in heavy manufacturing industries. For the production of products from plastics and composites, the dry ice machine does not cause damage to the production equipment or to the final product. Find out with Specco2 why the dry ice blasting machines take no damage […]
Dry Ice Cleaning can reduce scrap for your plastic and composite molds

It is unavoidable that scrap will arise after each product is manufactured when employing plastic molds and composites. It is critical that the product be maintained clean when it is sent to merchants. Dry ice blasting machines are essential tools for decreasing crap in the plastics and composites industries. How does a dry ice blasting […]